Saturday, August 17, 2013

Does Bee Pollen Work for Weight Loss

B pollen is a great natural dietary supplement which many claim is the most complete food on earth.

Through research the beneficial food indicates that it naturally contains carbohydrates, fat, protein, and many vitamins and minerals and essential elements the body needs.

Extremely rich in carotenes, which are metabolic precursors of vitamin a. Also high in b complex and vitamins c, d, e, and lecithin which is a Phosphatidylcholines  a class of phospholipids that incorporate choline as a headgroup. Lecithin is marketed commercially as a dietary supplement.

A natural food made by bee's and used as nourishment for the colony, bee pollen benefits provides nutritional benefits to human beings as well.

Containing all for the 22 elements that compile the human system. This miracle work of nature has almost all the B complex vitamins, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Rutin (Vitamin P) which strengthens capillaries along with blood cell walls. One research study had revealed that mice living on nothing but bee pollen didn't show any signs of malnourishment.

This super food is not only meant for weight loss. Research for combating cancer has been positive, in-fact a research clinic you may have heard of, The Mayo Clinic is performing scientific studies on bee pollen benefits and cancer.

With its high level of vitamins and many nourishment benefits, it is claimed to reducing cholesterol, boosting immunity, improve energy, improve stamina, and aid in a longer life span.

The truth is, Several "Fathers of Medicine" (Hippocrates, Pliny the Elder, as well as Pythagoras) trusted the healing properties of bee pollen and often times approved for their patients ailments. Hippocrates claimed it essentially contributed to a longer lifetime in addition to had an immediate effect on people who live
into their hundreds.

Known as mother nature's natural energy booster. Claims are made that bee pollen has ergogenic properties (utilized to maximize the utilization of energy).

Research has revealed bee pollen benefits increased strength, speed, endurance. Producing an increased rate of recovery and quickened returns to normal heart rate, as well as breathing. No wonder it is a favorite of world class Olympic athletes and popular with people exercising - with its recovery qualities and
improved energy and endurance.

Another claim is that b pollen is really a natural way to boost metabolism in addition to help control and take weight off, supplying the missing substances other foods cannot deliver. Supposedly it speeds the process of converting sugar into energy.

An impressive component  b pollen that speeds the rate of energy burned is Lecithin, believed to be responsible for its fat-loss properties aiding in your digestive process by eradicating fat supplies from the body, moreover stimulating the metabolism, and can also be said to cut back cravings along with hunger.

Another advantage is that it facilitates to regulate the metabolism to smooth out chemical imbalance so your body can function correctly, and when this takes place, one benefit is weight loss.

Bee Pollen Supplements

Bee Pollen nutrients are very concentrated meaning that even small amounts may provide effective and valuable levels of nutritional value. It is a food source that is probably not exceeded, nutritionally, by any other food.

B pollen supplement can enhance the health and well-being of individuals. It's important to mention that bee pollen is actually a food and not a vitamin supplement.

Bee Pollen Nutrition

  • Amino acids 15-25% 
  •  Carbohydrates 40%  
  • Protein 35% 
  • Fatty oils 5%


Calcium - Copper - Iron - Phosphorous - Potassium - Magnesium - Manganese - Silica - Sulphur - Sodium Iodine - Boron --
28 Micronutrients --14 Beneficial fatty acids
Vitamins      A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 B12, C, D, E,

Weight loss 

Bee pollen for weight loss is an excellent choice for supplementation, because it supplies many of the dietary antioxidants, bioflavonoids and polyphenols which are helpful in maintaining and promoting health, and are missing in today’s fast food lifestyle.

The nutritional makeup of is extremely broad spectrum and extremely high quality, making it an excellent choice.

By correcting a possible chemical imbalance in body metabolism which may be involved in either abnormal extra weight or loss. The normalizing in addition to stabilizing effects of this perfect food are amazing. Factors why it is efficient in weight-loss applications, bee pollen stimulates the metabolic processes.

Bee products are becoming recognized as nature’s true weight-loss food. Containing only 90 calories for each ounce, bee pollen is a low-calorie food.

Studies have shown that bee pollen supplements have consistent improvements to metabolism ( rate your body burns fat). Consequently, dissolving and flushing fat cells from the body, and also it can help reduce cravings for food and other substances.

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Honey Bee Colony is Unique and Fascinating

stages of drone bee
Stages of Drone Bee
Although all honey bees remain wild, even when colonies are maintained  in hives provided by humans, so-called "wild" colonies.

Typically bees prefer a nest site that is clean, dry, protected from the weather, about 20 liters in volume with a 4 to 6 cm² entrance about 3 m above the ground, and preferably facing south or southeast (in the northern hemisphere) or north or northeast (in the southern hemisphere).

Unlike a bumble bee colony or a paper wasp colony, the life of a honey bee colony is perennial. There are two castes of honey bees: queens, which produce eggs; and workers, which are all non-reproducing females. The Drones (males) only duty is to find and mate with a queen.

It all starts with the egg. The hives queen bee lays an egg in one of the cells constructed for the sole purpose of laying eggs. Once the queen bee has laid the egg and moved on to lay another (during the spring months the queen can lay an average of 1900 eggs daily) the egg is attached to the cell with a mucus strand.

The queen lays eggs singly in cells of the comb. Larvae hatch from eggs in three to four days. They are then fed by worker bees and develop through several stages in the cells. Cells are capped by worker bees when the larva pupates.

Queens and drones are larger than workers and so require larger cells to develop. A colony may typically consist of tens of thousands of individuals.

When the egg hatches a larvae emerges. Nurse bees are in charge of caring for the young larvae. They feed the eggs bee bread. Bee bread is a strange mixture of gland secretions and honey. The larvae will go through five distinct growth stages. After each of these stages the larvae sheds its outer skin.

When the larvae is six days old, a worker bee comes along and caps the larvae, cocooning the larvae in its cell. The larvae stays in the cocoon for eight to ten days, when it emerges from the cocoon it is a fully formed young bee.

The average length of life of bees depends on what purpose the bee fulfills in the beehive. A queen bee can live for 4 years providing that she was able to get herself inseminated with enough sperm during her nuptial flight.

Queen bee with attendants
A good strong queen bee can lay as many as 2000 eggs a day. She is in charge of killing her sisters and mothers.

The queen bee doesn't have to worry about taking care of herself, she is always surrounded by an entourage of worker bees who feed her and remove her waste.

It is not uncommon for the elderly queen bee to leave the nest in the springtime when the rest of the hive is getting ready to swarm. Experts believe that the queen produces some sort of pheromone that prevents the hives workers bees from becoming interested in sex. A queen bee who has not made her nuptial flight is called a virgin queen. Drone bees are male bees that live only to impregnate queen bees during the queens nuptial flight.

After mating with a queen the drone dies. During the winter months, a worker bee can live up to one hundred and forty days old. During the summer months the worker bee is lucky to live for forty days, the short summer life span is because the worker bees are literally worked to death.

The worker bee's duties are wide and varied. Worker bees called nurse bees are in charge of caring for the young larvae, other workers are sent out to gather pollen to be made into honey. Some workers spend their time capping off honeycombs, other workers are responsible for taking care of the queen. Worker bees are in charge of starving the unwanted drone bees and cleaning the hive.

There can be anywhere from twenty thousand to two hundred thousand worker bees in a single hive. Worker bees are always sterile. If a worker bee lays an egg it becomes a drone bee. Workers bees are the bees that people see defending the hive.

The survival of the beehive depends on the hive having a healthy queen that is laying eggs. If something happens to the queen the hive will die.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Benefits of Bee Pollen: Amazing Bee Propolis Benefits

Benefits of Bee Pollen: Amazing Bee Propolis Benefits: Propolis is a glue type substance used by worker bees to encase nest cavities and all brood combs, and to seal small cracks in the hive. ...

Amazing Bee Propolis Benefits

Propolis is a glue type substance used by worker bees to encase nest cavities and all brood combs, and to seal small cracks in the hive.

The bee product is made by honeybees collecting tree gums, glues, waxes and resins from flowers and leaf buds which are mixed with saliva and other secretions to make what some call "bee glue."

The bees bring these natural compounds on their hind legs, just like pollen, to the hive.

The primary function of this natural antibacterial is to sterilize the honeycomb cells that contain the larvae, as well as the cells that store the honey and bee pollen. 

The bees use it to fill undesired holes or cracks in the walls of the hive and they polish their cells as protection for the future brood.

Honeybees frequently use propolis to reduce the size of the entrance for better defense against infection as bees enter through the hive entrance.

A bee colony is known as one of the most sterile environments in nature. This remarkable substance is the natural defense and immune system for the beehive, maintaining the sterility of the beehive.

If a germ of a bacteria, mould, virus or yeast is encapsulated by propolis it will no longer be able to breath or take up water. The germ therefore shrinks and dies.

Propolis has an antibiotic effect and is often called a "natural antibiotic." Skin and bones can also be strengthened. Propolis enters the tissues through the skin and thus enhances the healing of broken bones and muscle ailments, such as a bursa infection. 

It is soothing to the skin and has a healing effect. When taken internally, propolis cleanses the blood, that is, it actively scavenges free radicals. 

Propolis Benefits

Polyphenols are a class of nutrients responsible for the most significant health-promoting effects. Propolis provides a broad range of polyphenols which no other substance in nature can match.

Common in the health food market with products and natural ingredients such as: Soy Isoflavones, Rutin, Pycnogenol, Quercetin, Lipoic Acid, Lignans, Proanthocyanidins, and Anthocyanins.

Although individually, these polyphenols provide extraordinary health benefits. The polyphenols in Propolis exist naturally in a concentrated form and do not need to be isolated and concentrated.

Meaning, the broad spectrum of polyphenols advantages are not restricted to a single polyphenol, but are offered as a combination of different natural polyphenols.

Aloe Propolis Creme

The most popular over the counter product associated with Propolis is the combination of Aloe Vera and Bee Propolis. Propolis is a natural antibiotic, and Aloe is a germicide. 

The Aloe bee propolis creme has soothing and healing properties.

If you have eczema or psoriasis or any other skin condition I urge you to at least give it a try. 

The results won't be immediate though so do try to hang in there! It will help with your acne. Every once in a while when you get a pimple, put the creme on, and it usually goes away. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Benefits of Bee Pollen: The Tremendous Health Benefits of Royal Jelly

Benefits of Bee Pollen: The Tremendous Health Benefits of Royal Jelly: Royal jelly is produced in the hive by worker bees and has the appearance of milk. It is produced by the young bees which eat bee pollen...

The Tremendous Health Benefits of Royal Jelly

Royal jelly is produced in the hive by worker bees and has the appearance of milk.

It is produced by the young bees which eat bee pollen and expel the thick white fluid through the hypopharyngeal glands.

Queen bees drink royal jelly straight from the honey bee gland, and the substance also constitutes the essential food for all newborn larvae in the hive.

This miracle substance is responsible for the Queen Bee's longevity, size and fertility. Not surprising, royal jelly provides numerous powerful health and wellness benefits when used by humans as well.

Royal Jelly for Fertility

Royal Jelly is rich in amino acids, lipids, sugars, vitamins, and most importantly, proteins. It contains high levels of vitamins D and E, and also has ample levels of iron and calcium. As all of these are essential to proper health and organ function, it is very easy to see how Royal Jelly can help with in assisting with fertility.

Controls Cholesterol Levels

Studies have shown that Royal Jelly reduced total serum lipid ranges and total serum cholesterol in individuals with moderately elevated cholesterol levels. Supplementation with R Jelly has shown improved lipoprotein metabolism in humans.

Possible Health Benefits with Liver Disorders

Decreased serum and liver total lipids and cholesterol levels in rats and rabbits and also retarded the formation of atheromas in the aorta of rabbits, total serum cholesterol levels were decreased by about 14%, and total serum lipids by about 10% in the group of patients studied.

Positive effect of royal jelly on serum lipids in experimental animals and humans with atherosclerosis.

Possible Benefits With Colitis

In a study of royal jelly treated rats, treatment significantly decreased the number of mast cells and reduced the area of colonic erosion in the colon, results suggest that oral treatment with RJ could be used to treat colitis.

Royal Jelly Supports Skin Benefits

As we age, our skin's renewal process becomes less efficient, and the amount of natural moisture present in the skin is reduced. Our skins ability to repair tissue and to regenerate skin cells slows.

Collagen production occurs less frequently, so the skin becomes thinner and less flexible.

Royal jelly is a rich source of some very important vital amino acids required by the body to regenerate damaged skin tissue.The vitamin e contained within royal jelly helps promote healthy skin, offering a more youthful complexion.

Widely used as a component in skin care and natural beauty products for it's anti-aging reversal effects. Containing nutrients and vitamins that support skin renewal and acids.

Royal jelly benefits by contributing to collagen production and promotion.

Royal jelly reverses these anti-aging effects. The skin renews itself every 30 days. Many have used royal jelly consistently for one month, and have noticed healthier, firmer, younger-looking skin.

The compositional breakdown of royal jelly benefits shows that it contains significant levels of vitamins b, b1 and b6. All of these vitamin b variations are commonly used as standalone supplements designed to promote greater levels of both mental and physical stamina.

I take bee products, they're phenomenal and have changed my life ...
Thanks for reading...Paul Beaudette

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Honey Bees Miracle Process

Honeybees live in hives as part of colonies and collect various substances in nature for their own food and hive uses. 

Some substances are used for their hive nutrition, nesting material, and others for protection from predictors and harsh weather.

The Miracle Process

The worker bees travel from flower to flower collecting nectar. 
During their search they're looking for the best pollen within a given area. 

During their travels bees visit various plant species, but each pollen load comes from a single plant.

While bees are sucking nectar from flowers, some of the pollen sticks their body hairs. The honey bee uses its forelegs to comb the pollen from its hairs and adds a little of it's own saliva to help roll it into a ball to transport to the beehive.

The bee flies with the pollen loads in its hind legs to the beehive to transfer to the house bees. The house bees use their heads to push these pollen loads into the honeycomb cells, with a small amount of saliva and honey, this mixture ripens into bee bread.

Using secretions from their head glands to process bee bread into bee milk and royal jelly, which form together with the eggs and brood. This occurs on the inside of the comb nest.

Nutrition Facts

Bee pollen nutrition benefits our health in many ways because of valuable levels of vitamins and minerals. The "miracle work of nature" has relatively high levels of Lecithin, Bioflavonoids, Dietary Antioxidants and in particular, Polyphenols which are all important to our general health.

The bee pollen nutrients are very concentrated meaning that even small amounts can provide effective and valuable levels of nutritional value.

The patterns of amino acid in pollen determines its biological value. Because bees collect from various plants,the different plants create a multi coloured mixture of bee pollen loads usually containing a good composition.

I believe bee pollen should be a part of everyone's diet because essential components of nutrition are missing from modern diets since we generally opt not to eat our recommended daily amounts of fruits and vegetables, and because the foods we do eat are nutritionally deficient.

Because of the vast nutrition that it supplies, it's a great natural source of essential Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Co-enzymes, Protein, and Amino Acids, Micronutrients, and Beneficial Fatty Acids.

Depending on the pollen loads collected, bee pollen averages contain: Amino acids 15-25% - Carbohydrates 40% - Protein 35% - Fatty oils 5%

One of the major health benefits is accomplished by stimulating the metabolic processes in the body.

One of the most significant functions carried out by the super food is the initiation of burning calories.

Although some may believe this in itself is very important, there are other benefits. The "power food" contains all of the 22 essentials that make up the human system. Very Impressive!

This miracle work of nature has virtually all the B complex vitamins, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Rutin (Vitamin P), which strengthens capillaries and blood cell walls.  

Honey Bees are Important to our World

Most of us don't really realize that the beekeeping industry is responsible for one-third of the food we eat. 

As far as a dollar value the bee pollination to U.S. agriculture is more than $14 billion annually,according to a Cornell University study.

No human activity or ingenuity could ever replace the work of bees and yet it is largely taken for granted.

The value of honey, bee pollen, royal jelly, propolis, and beeswax pales in comparison to the value of fruits, vegetables, seeds, oils and fibres whose yields are optimized by pollination bees.

The crops which require pollination by bees are from nuts to vegetables and as diverse as alfalfa, apple,cantaloupe, cranberry, pumpkin, and sunflower.

Bees also have an impact on the natural vegetation by cross-pollinating which leads to better fructification and to seed formation by flowers that produce fruits or seeds.

With pollination of their crops so important, farmers can't depend on feral honey bees that happen to nest near crop fields.

Farmers will contract migratory beekeepers, who move millions of bee hives to fields each year just as crops flower. Pollinating California's 420,000 acres of almond trees alone takes between 900,000 and 1 million honey bee colonies.

The importance of bees goes far beyond agriculture. They also pollinate more than 16 percent of the flowering plant species, ensuring that we'll have blooms in our gardens.

Of course, there is also the honey. More than $200 million worth of raw honey is produced in the United States every year.

Pretty cool for an insect that is not even native to the New World. But then again, most of our crops and many of our garden plants aren't natives either.

These evolved in areas where honey bees are native, and both crops and insects were brought here to become essential parts of our agricultural system.

To read more on these little "miracle works of nature" visit my blog at...