Through research the beneficial food indicates that it naturally contains carbohydrates, fat, protein, and many vitamins and minerals and essential elements the body needs.
Extremely rich in carotenes, which are metabolic precursors of vitamin a. Also high in b complex and vitamins c, d, e, and lecithin which is a Phosphatidylcholines a class of phospholipids that incorporate choline as a headgroup. Lecithin is marketed commercially as a dietary supplement.
A natural food made by bee's and used as nourishment for the colony, bee pollen benefits provides nutritional benefits to human beings as well.
Containing all for the 22 elements that compile the human system. This miracle work of nature has almost all the B complex vitamins, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Rutin (Vitamin P) which strengthens capillaries along with blood cell walls. One research study had revealed that mice living on nothing but bee pollen didn't show any signs of malnourishment.
This super food is not only meant for weight loss. Research for combating cancer has been positive, in-fact a research clinic you may have heard of, The Mayo Clinic is performing scientific studies on bee pollen benefits and cancer.
With its high level of vitamins and many nourishment benefits, it is claimed to reducing cholesterol, boosting immunity, improve energy, improve stamina, and aid in a longer life span.
The truth is, Several "Fathers of Medicine" (Hippocrates, Pliny the Elder, as well as Pythagoras) trusted the healing properties of bee pollen and often times approved for their patients ailments. Hippocrates claimed it essentially contributed to a longer lifetime in addition to had an immediate effect on people who live
into their hundreds.
Known as mother nature's natural energy booster. Claims are made that bee pollen has ergogenic properties (utilized to maximize the utilization of energy).
Research has revealed bee pollen benefits increased strength, speed, endurance. Producing an increased rate of recovery and quickened returns to normal heart rate, as well as breathing. No wonder it is a favorite of world class Olympic athletes and popular with people exercising - with its recovery qualities and
improved energy and endurance.
Another claim is that b pollen is really a natural way to boost metabolism in addition to help control and take weight off, supplying the missing substances other foods cannot deliver. Supposedly it speeds the process of converting sugar into energy.
An impressive component b pollen that speeds the rate of energy burned is Lecithin, believed to be responsible for its fat-loss properties aiding in your digestive process by eradicating fat supplies from the body, moreover stimulating the metabolism, and can also be said to cut back cravings along with hunger.
Another advantage is that it facilitates to regulate the metabolism to smooth out chemical imbalance so your body can function correctly, and when this takes place, one benefit is weight loss.
Bee Pollen Supplements
Bee Pollen nutrients are very concentrated meaning that even small amounts may provide effective and valuable levels of nutritional value. It is a food source that is probably not exceeded, nutritionally, by any other food.
B pollen supplement can enhance the health and well-being of individuals. It's important to mention that bee pollen is actually a food and not a vitamin supplement.
Bee Pollen Nutrition
- Amino acids 15-25%
- Carbohydrates 40%
- Protein 35%
- Fatty oils 5%
Calcium - Copper - Iron - Phosphorous - Potassium - Magnesium - Manganese - Silica - Sulphur - Sodium Iodine - Boron --28 Micronutrients --14 Beneficial fatty acids
Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 B12, C, D, E,
Weight loss
Bee pollen for weight loss is an excellent choice for supplementation, because it supplies many of the dietary antioxidants, bioflavonoids and polyphenols which are helpful in maintaining and promoting health, and are missing in today’s fast food lifestyle.The nutritional makeup of is extremely broad spectrum and extremely high quality, making it an excellent choice.
By correcting a possible chemical imbalance in body metabolism which may be involved in either abnormal extra weight or loss. The normalizing in addition to stabilizing effects of this perfect food are amazing. Factors why it is efficient in weight-loss applications, bee pollen stimulates the metabolic processes.
Bee products are becoming recognized as nature’s true weight-loss food. Containing only 90 calories for each ounce, bee pollen is a low-calorie food.
Studies have shown that bee pollen supplements have consistent improvements to metabolism ( rate your body burns fat). Consequently, dissolving and flushing fat cells from the body, and also it can help reduce cravings for food and other substances.
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