Friday, May 31, 2013

Amazing Bee Propolis Benefits

Propolis is a glue type substance used by worker bees to encase nest cavities and all brood combs, and to seal small cracks in the hive.

The bee product is made by honeybees collecting tree gums, glues, waxes and resins from flowers and leaf buds which are mixed with saliva and other secretions to make what some call "bee glue."

The bees bring these natural compounds on their hind legs, just like pollen, to the hive.

The primary function of this natural antibacterial is to sterilize the honeycomb cells that contain the larvae, as well as the cells that store the honey and bee pollen. 

The bees use it to fill undesired holes or cracks in the walls of the hive and they polish their cells as protection for the future brood.

Honeybees frequently use propolis to reduce the size of the entrance for better defense against infection as bees enter through the hive entrance.

A bee colony is known as one of the most sterile environments in nature. This remarkable substance is the natural defense and immune system for the beehive, maintaining the sterility of the beehive.

If a germ of a bacteria, mould, virus or yeast is encapsulated by propolis it will no longer be able to breath or take up water. The germ therefore shrinks and dies.

Propolis has an antibiotic effect and is often called a "natural antibiotic." Skin and bones can also be strengthened. Propolis enters the tissues through the skin and thus enhances the healing of broken bones and muscle ailments, such as a bursa infection. 

It is soothing to the skin and has a healing effect. When taken internally, propolis cleanses the blood, that is, it actively scavenges free radicals. 

Propolis Benefits

Polyphenols are a class of nutrients responsible for the most significant health-promoting effects. Propolis provides a broad range of polyphenols which no other substance in nature can match.

Common in the health food market with products and natural ingredients such as: Soy Isoflavones, Rutin, Pycnogenol, Quercetin, Lipoic Acid, Lignans, Proanthocyanidins, and Anthocyanins.

Although individually, these polyphenols provide extraordinary health benefits. The polyphenols in Propolis exist naturally in a concentrated form and do not need to be isolated and concentrated.

Meaning, the broad spectrum of polyphenols advantages are not restricted to a single polyphenol, but are offered as a combination of different natural polyphenols.

Aloe Propolis Creme

The most popular over the counter product associated with Propolis is the combination of Aloe Vera and Bee Propolis. Propolis is a natural antibiotic, and Aloe is a germicide. 

The Aloe bee propolis creme has soothing and healing properties.

If you have eczema or psoriasis or any other skin condition I urge you to at least give it a try. 

The results won't be immediate though so do try to hang in there! It will help with your acne. Every once in a while when you get a pimple, put the creme on, and it usually goes away. 

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